Saturday, May 16, 2020

Super Paloma

Tequila is by far my liquor of choice.  I have bouts where I will buy a bottle of vodka here and there. Tropical Truly's are my go to for travel and have been my homie during quarantine so that I can keep track of my life a little better (ie they are what they are and I can't make them any stronger....I tried to keep mixing my own drinks to a minimum during this time because I can get a little heavy handed)  BUT......I always come back to my precious tequila.

I had no idea that for years and years I had been making palomas at home.  I always just called them ghetto girl margaritas.  That was until one day I was explaining to my coworkers how I make my "ghetto girl margaritas" Tequila, Fresca or Squirt, some lime....and she said.... "oh, so a paloma"

A quick google search later.....yes, a paloma. 

Who knew?  

Apparently not me.

So here we are now, a couple years later.  The Boy made me one a couple weeks ago that I dubbed the Super Paloma because it's grapefruit, on grapefruit, on grapefruit. Grapefruit inception.

Grapefruit juice, grapefruit soda, and dried grapefruit zest mixed with the the rim job.  

It's super refreshing, not overly sweet, and the tequila still shines through.  Everything I am looking for in a good cocktail.  With the hot weather here or someday approaching depending on where you are from.  (I'm pouring one out for you NYers who got snow this week...good god!) this is the perfect addition to your summer line up of cocktails.

Grapefruit Salt:

Zest 2 large grapefruits.  Lay the zest out flat in a single layer and allow it to air dry out overnight.  When it is dry, mix it with coarse salt. (we just use coarse kosher salt because we always have it on hand)  


1 1/2 jiggers of grapefruit juice
1 1/2 jiggers of silver tequila (that Kirkland bottle from Costco is the BEST!)
2 jiggers of Fresca or other grapefruit soda

Shake lightly with ice and pour into a glass that has the grapefruit salt rim


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