
Contact Me

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  1. I threw my ketosis off with hcg starvation and it was because my low carb had stopped working that I went to that desperation but after hcg I went on the induction phase of low-carb with no more that 20 carbs in a day and going to the gym running everyday. My weight kept climbing so I am trying this fat fast hoping to get my body back to using fat for energy. Do you think this will work?

  2. Hi there! I started the keto diet a few weeks ago, and I’m not having much luck. I thought I would do this fat fast and crying, and came up on your website. I would love to chat with you, because you seem to have had some success with this. Thank you, and I look forward to hopefully hearing from you. Marni

  3. I accidentally came across your blog as I was scrolling through pint-rest and you crack me up!!!!! I have tried to figure out how to follow your blog ( I have NEVER FOLLOWED A BLOG) but cant figure out where to click. Please add me to your blog. thank you Penny
