
Monday, December 30, 2013

MoMo Monday- Merry Late Christmas and Happy New Year

MoMo had a wonderful Christmas.  She must have been a very good girl because Santa Paws was very generous this year.  She spent all of Christmas morning playing with her new loot and got herself all tuckered out.  She had to take a rest in the middle of her toys

Later on she even got a cool crinkle tent from her auntie, uncle, and cousin.  This is her first official house that isn't just a cardboard box of some kind

Now moving onto New Years.  MoMo has set a few resolutions

1.  Throw up less.  And if I do have to throw up at least aim for a wipeable surface.  Mommy hates that

2. Take more naps.  I really should be getting more rest

3. Try to cost mom and dad less than $1,600 in vet bills in 2014

4. Keep at least half my litter in the box when I go potty.  Mommy hates that too

 Ok, so maybe I gave her a few suggestions for that list.  But why can't her resolutions help everyone out...right?

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