
Monday, August 19, 2013

MoMo Monday Week #17

I've been a little MIA lately in the blogging world.  Like 13 days worth.  Which kinda makes me an el sucko blogger

But if you follow my blog at all...I'm sure you've heard me bitching about my job.  And I'm about to get whiny again....just a forewarning

My job has been on a steady downhill trend for just over a year.  But every time I think it's as bad as it could possibly get it just keeps getting worse.  Right now I'm at a crossroads...on the verge of a mental breakdown I'm sure.  My sister stated it perfectly in a text to our friend "We need to get Whitney out of there before we are visiting her in prison" 

It's bad.  Like REALLY BAD.  

Like lay in bed all night thinking about it bad

Dreaming about it....or I guess that qualifies as a nightmare actually

Like it's 11AM on my day off and I don't have to be there until 8am the next day and I'm already dreading it kind of thing

Like I get nauseous thinking about it and can't eat

I'm losing weight (the one upside of all this nonsense)

And I'm getting terrible shit cramps over it

Imma thinking your job isn't supposed to make you physically ill.....or is that just wishful thinking on my end? are some job related ecards that made me chuckle


Anybody in the Phoenix area looking for a personal chef/house manager/grocery shopper/ crafter/ party planner/ DIYer/ nanny?

I'm serious too.  I have no shame in whoring out my skills on my blog  ;) I've stated before, with work being so rough I come home utterly exhausted at the end of the day.  And on top of that I was hired to do a kids birthday party so what little energy I did have at the end of the day went into party planning.  Now that the party is over I'm hoping I'll have a little more time to blog.   I make no promises though

Now back to our regularly scheduled programing .....

After 16 straight weeks of MoMo Mondays I missed my very first one last week.  I have to admit it really bummed me out.  I'm hoping it doesn't happen too often

Most of America out there is counting down the days until the start of football season.  While I'm not exactly counting down the days....I don't mind the start.  I'm not into the sport but I won't pass up the gatherings of family and friends to eat some good grub.  What's not to like about that?

When me and The Boy were dating I put in my time the entire first season.  I sat on the couch with him and watched every. single. game.  I can't do that drives me CRAZY how often they stop the game.  It makes me itch.  Nothing lasts more than 10 seconds before they go to commercial AGAIN.  I hate it.  

Lucky for me though, as I stepped out little MoMo stepped in.  She will sit with her daddy and watch football all day with him.  Here are the pictures to prove it

Way to go MoMo!  Just a little daddy daughter bonding time

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