
Sunday, April 28, 2019

Bangin' buys #3 - Pot Edition

It's been quite some time since I've posted a Bangin' Buys.  I did notice though that I started this "series" (if you can even call it it that.😏 I think I would need to be more consistent to call it that for real) last Spring so it seems it just comes most naturally to me this time of year....I dunno.....

This time the post has a theme and you know I LOVE me a good theme!  These buys are all pot related.  No, not the Mary Jane.  Herb, Ganja, Reefer.  Nope, none of that stuff.  I mean the thing you put your plants in.  

I guess you COULD grow your pot out of these pots....maybe.  I mean I don't know how it all works or what kind of vessel it reqires.  I think it takes a lot of light and most people grow it in their showers and get crazy paranoid about their electric bills being high from all the lights so they turn off basically everything else and you sweat do death living in AZ so the pot plants can thrive. Or so I hear......

(Really, it's what I hear.  I've never smoked pot in my life.  I'm a square like that)

Moving right along.....

99C Only

The good ole 99 will always have a big piece of my heart.  You can just get the greatest stuff! Check these out.

Let's start with the basics; a terracotta pot.  What I like about these is that they are a different shape from the classic ones.  Granted, if you are looking for the classic ones they carry those too, I just featured this one because I liked that it was less flared in shape and had a rounder, thinner top edge.  And being so plain and porous they can easily be spray painted and completely customized to your style. 

Next up, these cute square patterned pots.  Back in Bangin' Buys #1 I posted smiliar-ish ones.  These are slightly different patterns and all square and most are navy. Last year some were round and all were black.  I like that they put out new ones each year.  I'm curious if they will continue next Spring (stay tuned!)

These hanging pots are super cute and come in both black and white

I love all these concrete patterned pots! And since the pattern is part of the pot mold itself, you could totally paint them and still maintain the patterned details

These small llama and bulldog planters are the CUTEST!

Looking for  a basic black pot? Gotcha covered!  I love the simplicity and that is is completely straight up and down



I had to include these when I ran across them in the dollar section at Target because they look like mini versions of the ones above from 99.  


Look, look! This cat planter made me audibly squeal and then a loud "oh, it's HAPPENING" could probably be heard from aisles away.  I had to have it.  Here it is in my living room

Again with the concrete cute! And one is punny too

I like the geometric patterns and kines of these white pots

And you can't go wrong with these AMAZING plant stand!! The light pattern is so dreamy. Droooool!

At Home

Last but not least....for the people who love a wiener. (settle down ladies). I saw this and instantly thought of my friend Ashley who is a wiener mom.  Just imagine how cute this would be with small succulents planted all along its back. CUH-UTE!

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