
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Wardrobe Wednesday-Black Sheer Top and Leopard Flats

This Wardrobe Wednesday also doubles as a "Meet Morty"  Morty is my only nephew....yes....I call him my nephew.  What else would you call your sisters dog? Duh!

He was very eager to join in on the photo shoot and we couldn't really get any decent shots....both of ones by myself and us together.  So here you get a lovely collage of kinda crappy pictures.   But I guess that's nothing new to the blog anyway.......

Flats: Gifted....not sure (but I'll ask for future reference)

Sheer tops are quickly becoming a staple for me.  Their light weight fabric is perfect for the warmer weather that's on its way (actually it's already here in AZ) but they are just nice enough that you look a bit more put together if you need to.  You can dress them up or down super easily.

This was a casual day of a lunch date with The Boy, then off to my sisters house to run wedding planning errands.  The red lip also helps dress up the entire look a little more without requiring any real effort......besides having to remember to not rub my face.

And here's one more picture just to make you say Awwwwwww.....

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Popcorn Bar

I'm a huge fan of bars.  Not those kind of bars.....I prefer to do my drinking at home where I can pass out with drink in hand and not get arrested....but that's not what I"m referring to here.

I'm talking about the build your own kinda bars.  I'll take any kind there is....baked potato, salad, nacho, hot  name it.  If I can pile on toppings and deliciousness of all kinds count me in!

For my nieces' birthday party back in March my sister put out a popcorn bar....and I loved it!

Nothing too crazy and over the top...just enough options to make it custom without making you anxious (too many options make me sweat)

M&Ms, gummy bears, unwrapped Starburst,  Mike & Ikes, Peanut M&Ms, and Reese's Peices

She also had flavor powders

Bacon cheddar, garlic parmesan, kettle corn, ranch, jalepeno cheddar, and white cheddar.

You could do they whole salty sweet mix....or grab two bags.  One for the mix with candy and one for the flavors of choice

She had a Farm/Cowgirl party theme so the bags were decorated with stickers and crayons were left out for them to color and write their names on.  It went over well!

And for the record....this was my first time trying the unwrapped Starburst and I'm just warning you....those things are dangerous.  For reals!

Monday, April 21, 2014

MoMo Monday- Easter

As I've mentioned in a previous post.....there is no shortage of nicknames for my furry child

She's MoMo, Mo, DaMo, Doms, Turkey, Little love, Bubbies, and last but not least.....Bunny (which also becomes Buns for short)

Why Bunny you ask?

Because of her out of control cute bunny feet


They're so dang cute that even when she's rude and sticks them in my face I can't help but kiss them

And it was the feet that started it all....but every once and a while she takes on those bunny ears too.  Maybe she was a bunny in a past life?

So from my bunny to yours....we wish you a belated Happy Easter!