
Sunday, March 4, 2012

Phineas and Ferb Party Food

We wanted to have food that correlated with the show in same way.  Candace's favorite food is grilled cheese.  I never noticed this, but my niece  insisted that the sammies are round in the show so we cut them out with biscuit cutters.  She made some cute little signs to go with them

 Mini corn dogs or "slushy dogs"  We also added in the "Corn dogs corn dogs yummy yummy yummy"  for an added touch


I wanted to do something a little different for the cake so we decided on an orange creamsicle flavor. 
   I started with a yellow cake mix and just subbed orange juice for the water, added the zest of an orange, and 2 tsp. of orange extract per box.  I ended up making 3 boxes of cake mix so I used 6 tsp. of orange extract.  Now as an adult I can handle eating an orange flavored cake that is white, but if I were a kid and you were calling the cake Orange Creamsicle cake and it wasn't orange I would give you the shifty eyes.  So for the sanity of the children I added some orange food coloring.....maybe even too much haha.

I wanted to make an Agent P cake so a fedora was a must.  I formed it out of rice crispy treats.  I accidentally got the variety pack so there's strawberry teats, chocolate drizzle, and who knows what else crammed all together

Then covered it in fondant.

I stacked the orange cakes with vanilla buttercream for the Cream portion of the orange creamsicle.  I decorated the cake to look like Perry's face and added the hat on top

The best part was when one of the kids declared  "This tastes like a popsicle!"  Mission accomplaished


This isn't so much about what we served to drink, but how we served it.  My sister wanted to avoid a million pop cans crowding every open inch of space and the inevitable spills that come along with having a pack of children hopped up on sugar.  We found these little water bottles for a dollar at Walmart.

We peeled off the label and put on a Phineas and Ferb sticker.  We wrote their names on them and they got to take them home at the end of the day.  Cute and functional.  Her carpet was spared

1 comment:

  1. My oldest son would go crazy for this! I can't believe you made the Perry cake. It doesn't even look like a cake! Amazing.
