
Saturday, November 28, 2020

Puzzle Advent Activity

I thought of the idea for this puzzle advent calendar last Christmas but it was too late into the season to blog it.  Now, I'm actually glad! It makes more sense this year than ever.  I have always been a puzzle lover.  It was summertime activity while we were cooped up in the house.  Quarantine made allllll kinds of people that weren't previously puzzle people a part of the club (this club also bakes banana bread and drinks whipped coffee😉)

Now you can take your love for puzzling and turn it into a fun countdown to Christmas!  It's super easy and completely customizable.  You can do big puzzles or small puzzles.  Divide it out over 12 days or 24....whatever you want!  All you do is divide up the puzzles pieces into 12 or 24 bags. (I divided mine into 12 bags because I want to do two different puzzles over the course of December) Number the bags 1-12 or 1-24. Each day you open one bag to to help move you along in putting the puzzle together.  It will get more fun with each passing day as you will have more pieces to work with.

Here is the key:

Before you bag up the pieces, group them up into sections of the puzzle.  For example, make the first couple of days strictly edge pieces.  Then, move your way into groupings of pieces that go to a specific part of the puzzle. This way, each day you are more likely to actually have pieces to put together and not just stare at them all until waaaaaay down the line.  You know they will have something to put together.

That's it!  Simple but fun and the whole family can join in. It can be something you do before bed every night. At the end of it you will have a festive puzzle and it will be Christmas Day. Win and win!