
Saturday, May 26, 2018

DIY "Flour" Bouquet

Wanna hear something crazy?  Like Gwen Stefanie bananas status?

My oldest niece graduated from high school this week! 

Well....not crazy in the sense that she graduated....but crazy in the sense that she’s a freaking adult and getting ready to start life for realsies! AND crazy that it was almost ten years ago to the day that I graduated high school....

That's the newest graduate there in the front

but I digress.....

I wracked my brain for weeks and weeks trying to decide what gift I would give her and I came up with a whole lot of nothing.  I asked around to other people to see if they could nowhere.  I asked her what she wanted, and her response was “Currency would be good.”


I know receiving money is pretty much always welcomed (unless you’re like Oprah or Bill Gates or something) but it’s just not my favorite thing.  I really REALLY love giving gifts.  I take pride in trying to give things that are personal and/or funny and creative.  Money is none of the above.  But as I thought about it really was the gift that made the most sense.  It’s traditional to graduations (and I also REALLY love traditions so I’m convincing myself the gift isn’t completely sucky be playing this perspective up in my head) and she could really put it to use whether that be having the best damn final summer ever before heading off to college, putting it towards her dorm on campus, or saving it so she’s a slightly less broke Freshman.  Money wins....but it’s boring.  If the gift itself was going to be boring I needed to do something for her graduation that checked the creative, funny, and personal boxes.  So here’s what I came up with…….

Like me, Katie is super into puns.  We are punny gals.  In a moment sitting at my desk at work the little lightbulb went off.... FLOURS!!


I would give her a bouquet of flours.  Done.  Boxes checked.  Necessary self-fulfillment filled.  Cool.

I completely winged it and it turned out for the most part.  Hopefully I get to do it again someday  and with one under my belt maybe it will turn out a little cleaner looking....but the overall process was pretty easy.  I found the smallest bags I could of various flours and emptied them out.  I knew that it would be way too heavy to be functional if I left them as is.  I also didn’t think Katie would be terribly heartbroken without them.  (pssst!….Kayday, I have Ziploc bags full of flour if you’re feeling gypped)  I hot glued one of the bags to a skewer.  This bag became the nucleus of the whole thing and I hot glued the other bags to that center bag.  I wrapped the whole thing up in tissue paper and cellophane, tucked in a few artificial greenery pieces, tied a bow a round it and called it a day.  It was really quick and easy.

I sort of figured she wouldn’t get it right away….and I was right🤣  In the hustle and bustle of handing it to her after the ceremony she just kinda looked at it.  I asked, “do you get it??”  She stared at it some more and shook her head yes.  I said…”no… don’t”  About another 5 seconds passed and then she yelled “Oh my gosh….FLOURS!!”  I knew as soon as she got it she would love it….and she did.

My sister even captured this completely candid photo of her showing it to her friend

(Slapping theirs knees….ya get???)

I’d say it was a hit 😃

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Garlic Lime Shrimp Tacos with Chipotle Sauce

Normally every single recipe I post has some sort of looooong winded story behind it.  The first time I ever had it, it’s family history, I’ve even been known to recap which of my sisters have thrown it up and will no longer eat it.  Cool details like that.
Unfortunately, (or fortunately depending on how you look at it) this one is pretty lacking in history or story telling.  The way it came to be went down a little something like this:

1. Yesterday was Cinco De Mayo
2. I planned to make Posole for Cinco De Mayo
3. I needed something else to serve with the Posole
4. Shrimp was on sale
5. I made shrimp tacos

End of story.

Garlic & Lime Shrimp Tacos w/ Chipotle Sauce


1 lb. raw peeled and deveined shrimp
Zest of 2 limes
Juice of 3 limes
1 large cloves of garlic, minced
3 tsp. Salgado seasoning (see bottom of post)
¾ tsp. kosher salt

Mix all ingredients together and marinate shrimp for a minimum of 4 hours.  Saute shrimp over medium high heat in a high smoke point oil (light olive oil, coconut, vegetable, avocado) until shrimp are cooked through, about 3 minutes.

Chipotle Sauce

½ C. mayo *
Juice of half a lime
2 tb. adobo sauce from chipotles in adobo
1 clove garlic, minced
½ tsp. salt

Combine all ingredients together.  Best if made at least 30 minutes to an hour in advance to re thicken after mixing and let flavors meld

*I have issues with dairy, so I only use mayonnaise, but you can do a 50/50 combo of mayo and sour cream or just sour cream for a tangier sauce

Serve tacos on warmed corn tortillas with shredded cabbage and pico de gallo

Salgado Seasoning

3 parts chili powder
2 part cumin
1 part ground coriander

This recipe can be made in any sized batch you would like following this ratio